None of us are perfect, some of us not even close! Winnieleaks is a blog about sharing the travel adventures, mishaps and funny stories in one man's life, hoping it will make you smile.

Sense and sensibility.

Sense and sensibility.

You have five senses, seeing, touching, smelling, hearing  and tasting. If you have a sixth sense and see dead people then I want to be a your manager and put you on TV. If you think you have common sense then you are lucky because you are unique.

If, for some completely unexplainable reason, you had to give up one up one for your five senses, which would it be? Think about it carefully.

I’ve thought about it and I would be more than happy to give up the sense of smell. You see, I already have a very good sense of smell. It is probably the best sense I have and that has been a curse for me. I seem to smell things long before others do,  or perhaps when the odour is so small only I can smell it. No, I could never apply for a job at airports sniffing for drugs, it is not that sensitive, but I most certainly could be employed to tell mothers when their babies have shit themselves. I swear, I’ve walked into rooms where a mother is holding her baby and informed her, very bluntly, “That child has shit itself!” Unbelievable to me is when the said mother raises her child, sniffs the nappy and says, “you are right, I’ll change it.”

You just couldn’t pay me to sniff a nappy, I’d be sick, violently sick.

Also, the smells on aeroplanes can be hard on my sensitive nose too. The worst part is that you do not actually know who has the bad tummy. So many people packed together and air vents blowing air in all directions, it really is hard to know where to insert the cork!

So no, I would not miss the sense of smell. Of course, when I am dead my coroner’s report will probably read, “………..and we have no idea why the victim tried to start the car with so much petrol leaking from it.”



When is a massage......a message?

When is a massage......a message?