None of us are perfect, some of us not even close! Winnieleaks is a blog about sharing the travel adventures, mishaps and funny stories in one man's life, hoping it will make you smile.

Safety? Really?

Safety? Really?

Another Winnieleaks useful tip: Don’t let your company supply you with fancy name badges that have a safety pin type fastening. Imagine it has fallen down to the bottom of your bag and the pin has come undone.
Of course, I am just finishing a meeting with a customer and he wants an electronic copy of the presentation and video I have just shown him, so I reach into my bag, in a hurry, to retrieve a USB stick(also at the bottom of your bag) and the pin sticks about 7mm into the tip of my finger.
It was the first time I have ever met this customer, he even made the effort to come to my hotel for the meeting, and I wanted to give a good impression. This guy wants to build eight new ships and we are in the competition to deliver millions of dollars of electrical equipment........and at the end of the meeting I have just stabbed myself. I told him that the suppressed grunt was to clear something in my throat and the that the tears in my eyes were probably a symptom of jet lag. I didn’t scream or first. I handed him the USB stick, thanked him for a very productive meeting, shook his hand and said a pleasant good bye. Once he had left the building the Tourettes just exploded out of me and my bag was subjected to severe violence. How was I to know there were children behind me? The youngest one was scared and began to cry whilst the other child was busy asking mummy what several of the words meant. I don’t think the sucking profusely of my finger or waving it about excitedly helped with the overall impression I was conveying. Several gods and their offspring were also criticized during my outburst, which did cause one old lady to cover her ears. On top of this, as I was leaving the lobby and heading for the lifts I coughed and farted loudly at the same time. It is just not my day today!
By the way, why the hell are they called “safety pins”?? Because I have a swollen red finger that thinks the word “safety” should be replaced with “Suprise”.

How to cook small potatoes?

How to cook small potatoes?

The Riverdance gravity constant.

The Riverdance gravity constant.